hello, and meryl streep. -- i am meryl streep. [laughter] [applause] and today, class of 2010, i am really, i am very honored and humbled to be asked to pass on tips and inspiration to you for achieving success in this next part of your lives. president spar, when i consider the other distinguished medal recipients and venerable board of trustees, the many accomplished faculty and family members, people who have actually done things, produced things, while i have pretended to do things, i can think of about 3800 people who should of been on this list before me, and and, you know, mize success has depended solely on putting things over on people. [laughter] so i am not sure the parents think i am that great of a role model anyway. [laughter] i am, however, an expert in pretending to be an expert in various areas, so, just randomly, like everything else in this speech, i am, or i was, an expert in kissing on stage and on screen. [cheers and applause] how did i prepare for this? well, most of my preparation took place at my suburban