thank you, president, president tillman, members of the board of trustees, a distinguished faculty, proud, swelling parents and family, and gorges class of 2010. -- gorgeous class. if you are all really, really lucky, and if you continue to work super hard, and you remember your thank-you notes and everybody's name, and you follow through on every task that is asked of view and also some hal anticipate problems before they even rise, and you somehow sidestepped disaster and score big, if you get a great test scores on your lsats or mastas or ersats or whatever, and you get your dream job or dream grad school or internships which leads to a super job with a paycheck commensurate with responsibilities of leadership, where i somehow get that documentary on a shoestring budget, and it's accepted at sundance, and maybe an winds sundance, and then you go on to be nominated for an oscar, and then you win the oscar, or if that money-making website that you designed with your friends somehow suddenly attracts investors and advertisers and becomes the go-to site for whatever is you are selling, blo