court and were able to pro discrimination, able to get an award, knewthat congress had pass add law agast gender discrimination, against age discrimination. you had the law on your side and then your case goes to the supreme court, and in one case, ms. ledbetter, the court rules against you, and the other, mr. gross, the court changes the case in order to take up basically a different matter, but the results werethe same. you both were denied your individual justice, but just as importantly, the reason you brought the caseis to make it cle that gender discrimination and age discrimination has no place in america. how did you feel the day you learned about the supreme court decision? >> the day i learned, i w very disappointed, because as you said, the law had been on my side. it supported my case. the equal employment offic had supported me all the way to the supreme court, and then those five justices decided i should have complained back in the early days when my pay was first set, even though i didn't kw it, and even though i had no way to prove it, and even tugh we were not allowed to