pillar from the newspaper, david from uncle vito's pizza, maggie baxter from abc channel 7. i must turn the page. deputy chief antonio para, san francisco police department, lynn bruney, director of consumer marketting for the san francisco convention and visitors bureau and wes tyler, general manager, chancellor hotel on union square and president of the union square association. let's hear it for all those judges, ladies and gentlemen. now, these judges have a very, very difficult job. they have to rate the competitors. each bell ringer will be judged on rhythm, originality, and style. today we're going to find out who has the it factor and before the amateur competition stuff starts, i'd like to bring up a former bell-ringing champion, mr. carl payne, ladies and gentlemen. not one, not two, not three, 10-time bell-ringing champion. the only bell-ringing champion who is even close to this would be mr. byron cobb, who has five wins. and buddy, my second husband, what's the secret to winning? >> stay on god's good side. >> ah, that sounds good. now what we're going to do is