. -- i am reminded of philip reid and the statue of freedom.rior to the casting the ship to the united states, mr. crawford passed away. once it arrived in washington, d.c., problems soon a rose. zero workmen soon got into hot -- a worker soon got into a paid this fiy dispute. work on the statute became stalled until a man by the name of filiphilip reid solved the mystery. he was as slave african- americans. he figured out how to disassemble the plaster model by attaching an iron hook to the statute's head and lifting the top section until a hairline crack appeared. the crack indicated where the joints were located and he then repeated the operation until the five different sections of the statue were discovered. we know about him today because the son of the foundry owner share of the story with historians back in 1869. it describes filphilip reid hasn expert and highly esteemed by all who knew him. we stand here today not only because of him, but for other enslaved african americans like him who worked tirelessly to sacrifice in the face of s