if you look at heam 6, none of what we've been discussing -- we could rework the jepped. -- rework the agenda. commissioner hammer: it is rare the chief comes to us and acts us to act, and i don't know why we have to wait two weeks. i think it is a five-minute item that on the 25th we agendaize for action a vote on whether we call out a meeting with the entertainment commission. so the chief can ask us to do something, i think we should bring it up next week, and i think we can do it in five or 10 minutes. that's my suggestion. the item commissioner kingsley talked about and i talked about as well. president marshall: we get a list of all these things. commissioner hammer: just to clarify, the chief asked us to get behind and support becoming part of the solution. one of the ideas was to have a joint meeting with the entertainment commission. i'm suggesting that we break a little with tradition and put it on the agenda next week. i think it will take five minutes to vote on it rather than waiting two weeks to talk about whether or not we're going to have a meeting. that's all i'm sugge