department of health and human services; josh koerner, executive director, consumers helping others in a caring environment (choice); katherine high, duel diagnosis program coordinator, community psychiatry, university of maryland medical systems; mark segal, clinical director of co-occurring services, second genesis. dr. clark, about 33 million people in the u.s. live with a mental illness and a substance-use condition. what are co-occurring conditions? co-occurring conditions are conditions that occur in people who have several things going on. they may have a substance-use disorder and they may have an independent psychological problem such as anxiety or depression, or more serious problems like bi-polar affected disorder or schizophrenia. and, kathy, what are the current barriers of care for individuals with co-occurring conditions? well, there's probably many barriers. one is, you know, accessibility of treatment - availability of treatment programs. you know, certainly in the city there's only so many programs that a person can go to get co-occurring treatment. cost: who's going