gone but not forgotten to many the ideas of leon trotsky embody genuine socialism revolution an international coalition of the working classes and fighting bureaucracy they might seem like outdated ideas but across europe they're alive and well trotsky's murder at the hands of an undercover. agent took place seventy years ago five and a half thousand miles away from here in mexico but here as in many other places around europe his theories live on through organizations like this one which calls for the working classes to seize power from the capitalists and start the permanent revolution workers' power is a movement active in twelve countries from the united states to sri lanka the organization simon hardy says it's relevant today more than ever as ordinary people feel they're suffering most common economic crisis brought about by the rich a lot of work of socialists now is focusing on talking to working people about how they're suffering under the recession and engaging in the political arguments and ideas which will help them fight a back against the governments against the capitalist class