you can't attack minicomputers at the same time. that would be a good thing, too. -- you can attack minicomputers at the same time. -- many computers at the same time. off you get some interesting questions. what happens if someone uses a cyber attacks to steal money from new? 1 trillion dollars at all goes away. is that an armed attack? what if you caused a blackout? is that an armed attack? what if you have at the electronic voting machines of another nation and try to influence the outcome of its elections by throwing the election one way or the other. does that count as an attack? what if you just changed things in the database. the left side and write said are identical apparently predict right side are identical apparently -- right side are identical apparently. what if the program runs a nuclear power plants. spying is not against international law, so you are allowed to plant agents into another guy's computer to spy. what'd you change that instrument into an attack agent? does that count as the use of force? you may have ce