we have people like william cope moyers, the author of broken logs, for us. martha woodruff who's an npr reporter. dr. alan berger writes a column. and then, we have chat rooms and we encourage... our drive right now is to encourage people to design their own chat rooms for their own group so they can have... we have teens, texas teens. teens in recovery has a chat room. so you can invite anyone to your chat room. there's an open forum for chats on the front page. there is an experts exchange where you can get this kind of information, where you can just get educational information. but mostly this is a social networking interactive site for people in recovery helping others. and is it free? it's totally free. very good. it's totally free. we're on a major marketing drive right now to get sponsorship and membership levels, but it is totally free. excellent. and cynthia, talk to us about e get going and teen get going. either site if we start with teen get going, if you were a parent and you had some questions about, well, i found something in my son or daught