julian simon unfortunately died too young and was not vote -- was not around to continue. he was known for being a cornucopia and. a person who said, and not do not worry, be happy, but he did have a phrase -- with every wealth comes two hands and a brain. -- with every mouse comes two hands and a brain and it is that brain that allows us to overcome scarcity. he wrote many books and articles about how markets discipline us. paul ehrlich, on the other hand, said that we would run out of natural resources and that the result would be that we will ultimately run up against these constraints. he made a lot of converts in his book. riedl the jim wright along these lines. never mind the fact that we have not run out of any of those resources yet. nonetheless he continued to put this forward. in a debate between the two, julian suggested that it might be useful to put your money where your mouth is. julian wagered that he was right, namely that we had an ability to deal with resource constraints, that the result would be that we would expect to see not only resources going up in