i will go to slide numberfour. that includes the title. the energy authority is primarily focused on clean energy programs there are other things that we are working on as well. right now, we call ours the seed program. we intend to use the legal authority to provide a solar financing district route marin county. we have been very aggressive in seeking grant money from the department of energy and the california energy commission to implement a smart grid technology and command side programs. we are working on some software tools that will facilitate smart grid methodology. those programs are off and launching right now. as the chairman indicated, my main purpose is to update you on our recent activities. the next slide syrups and has a review. we have organized ourselves to add two critical products to our of ratepayers. -- the next slide serves as a review. this would be starting in late may. that light cream product guarantee is a 25% renewable content with no cost premium. for people that want to opt up to the agreement content, we off