at the nuremberg tribunals which the united states government was the chief prosecutor of decided that a soldier or a command or citizen has obligations under international law then are higher than their duty to obey the best aquash superior orders even. cannot be considered in mitigation where crimes as shocking and extensive has been committed consciously ruthlessly and without a military excuse or justification. and that set the basic precedent that a soldier what this obey. own order that is here we go. and it would have been much better in the prison systems in iraq if more soul. had disobeyed it would have been better for our whole international image and our whole foreign policy and it's in the military's interest. even though most military people would say this has to be the key thing but what cost if the cost is committing war crimes and discipline has to give way to the broader principle that military should operate. goodmorning everyone of us free so you're here in the newsroom is attorney say he's a good squad leader who took care of his men but the government says he left