before we talk about osi gguill let's talk about the hall of fame, do they vote on the broadcasters?> yes. news and sports. i was the first hispanic in the sports category. i'm very proud, been doing it so long. it's called the radio hall of fame and will announce it. >> you've also been nominated for another award? >> i'm in the hall of sports fame in miami and in san francisco and been nominated for this four years in a row. >> what's that mean? >> prestige. i work with a lot of people and easy going and enjoy what i do and it comes through. leave the rest whatever. i've done tv and radio most of my life and writing a lot, too. with the internet, it's a different world. i wish i was 25. i get communications from spain, all over the world. that's great. >> they say you and i who are older are digital immigrants and those between 1 and 25 are digital natives because they're born with this technology. we had to evolve. >> i learned from my kids and i'm an immigrant twice, from cuba and now the internet. incredible. i do learn. >> ozzie gee enis tuillen is th of the white sox. he made