that can actually evaluate the allergic potential or the ecological potential of the endocrinology tepper ten show what they've done is they've given only a fifteen day approval or review period for consumers and fast tracked the approval process and we don't know why i've had this data for eleven years and all of a sudden it's like urgent to get it on the market but in reality they're not doing the proper safety evaluations that should be done to protect the public yet seems very fishy pun intended now tomorrow they're actually holding a hearing where the public gets to come in and you know and let them know how they feel do you think the people are going to be outraged because that they already have determined that because the skin of this genetically engineered salmon is so similar to the natural fish that they don't need to put another label on it but don't we deserve to know what's in our food or for eating something that genetically modified oh absolutely i'm mildly allergic to certain genetic to certain salmon and there's an allergen which might be increased in genetically engineer