that human capital, that differentiater.ell today because you wouldn't be here had it not been for that differentiater. you have a million other cities that you could be doing this first conference, but you chose san francisco, the birthplace of life science and biotechnology, the home of the california stem cell institute, one of the most dynamic cities still in this very difficult economic climate, the -- the home of twitter and companies like wikipedia, sales four square as he was mentioning. all of these remarkable companies that are now starting to take shape here in san francisco. play fish, the gaming industry really taking off. zinga and the work that mark is doing and their growth and that potential, all taking shape in this small city that we call home. again, because this is where the talent about that ability to recruit and retain the best and the brightest minds. almost 0-plus percent. not almost, over 40% of the people in the city have bachelor's degrees or greater. not many cities have that concentr