voter turn out in thee3 down the president's visit.ú >> one thing to emember, the3 president comessin ú%citement, big crowds and thee the presidenttleaves. %-and it's back to ehrlich erss o'malley. >> oomalley hhods aasteadd lead over republican challenger of3 bob ehrlich. 49% off he vote, ehrlich with 41%. but ehrlich says many of3 o'malley supportees from 2006 no longer trust him. %-have not done for the citizens of the state of marylaad.ú i voted foo you and i feel now >> one the online campaign add on the goverror's race, iris voted for o'mallee in 2006 ann robert ehrlich says she is juss one of many democcats fed up with o''alley's false promises.ú stay tuned to fox 45 morningg3 %-the race for governor.rage of a political analyst will join us more on what ow obama's race's s for the race. stay with fox 45 for the latest on the november election. 2010.! >>> mcdonald's is getting a %-other high-profile companies d organizations. the breakkis from one of the key ú%ndates in president obama's health care law. mike immanuulltells us why and what it mmanssfor th