joining us is tony rom. i have a general question. if the republicans take over and/or thehe house senate, what do you think of the policies that will pursue and where will they concentrate their efforts when it comes to telecommunications? >> the combination of legislative policy and oversight, i think they will be doing an inventory of what the fcc and mti a have been doing, what proceedings are outstanding and evaluating the direction that the commission has been going, as well as an tsa proceedings -- as well as ntia proceedings. i expect republicans to take a hard look at where things stand with the commission. the commission recently asked for additional comments on services and wireless. on the legislative side, you could see a legislative reaction to what the commission may do on broadband reclassification. i also expect a lot of activity on the spectrum front. there has been a lot of talk about there being a spectrum crunch and about the need for additional spectrum for commercial mobile services as well as a need for congres