or the french letting their is go too far or join me in the studio to discuss it is jim hansen retired special operations master sergeant and military blogger and from new mexico we have adam kokesh radio talk show host adam vs the man and i want to thank you both for joining me now jim i'll start with you could you ever imagine what's going on in france happening right here in the u.s. right now at airports being shut down us running out of fuel and the government the out for it is not really stopping no that wouldn't happen for one reason there's a difference between freedom of speech and freedom to shut down a country you know i mean you can go ahead if they want to go ahead and throw rocks through mcdonald's windows and risk you know vandalism charges and something like that. you know you have laws against it feel free to violate them pay the consequences it's the same with the right to assemble you can peaceably assemble you can have your free speech rights but the second you start causing harm you've exceeded your right to free speech your speech is not the right to do damage and