today which is a resolution affirming the importance of maintaining a safety net for lg bt youth and to encourage universities to prevent a bowling -- to prevent bullying. we have been touched by the incident that happened at rutgers university just a few days ago where you had where you -- where you had the student who committed suicide. two students invaded his privacy by taking -- by videotaping and private interaction he had with a person of the same gender. there are many lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgendered people that have been harassed by their classmates and online. lgbt youths are more than four times more likely to commit suicide than their straight counterparts. in san francisco, they were 8.4 times more likely to report attempting suicide. we are near the year 2010, you still have many teenagers and young adults throughout this country that are driven to suicide because of a trauma of being bullied. we need to do something about that. close to 90% of those students experienced some form of harassment at school in the previous year. that means almost nine of 10 have expe