-he exelse allow theseegroups to temporarily maintaan miniial coverage below tte new law standaads.here's bbttee options are for them in 2014. >> reporter: we have 20,000 new members because of federal legislation and rathee than automatically raise payments for proviiees, have raised for a waiver to see if weehave additionnl costs ttat makes itú necessary. unions were the major ones of the puss for the healthcare reform. %-may cover low wage workers, yu -now, form wwrkees may beú unioniied. >> reporter: less than a month before the mmdterm election, there's a political ú%ncern. >> democrats are oing to ave 3 hard enough time getting their ccndidates elected to the house, and having a bunch of hamburgee jockeyy losing their heallh innurance is noo a way to enddar yourself with the populous. >> reportee: administration officials defend the oveeas protecting lowerrwage people wanting coverage by making sure that a new class of insured ameeicans is not crrated before ooh optionssare availabbe. >> this is about implementing a bill correctly this is about the mercy of health insurance co