mr. crenshaw to go over the documents hopefully in front of you off -- in front of you, and then we have a few more speakers behind him. >> i just wanted to give you a brief history of how we got to this point. a originally, this came from meetings from director bob davis and subsequent meetings with the commissioner joseph and an interim director kane, but, basically, i knew there was a need for us to address several issues in regard to violence at several different venues throughout the city, since the beginning of this year, several homicides, shootings. i thought it best that we convene another summit. i attended one personally in 2003, i believe, and i found to be pretty impactful, editor hopefully steered us in the right direction. i believe we got away from that, so after speaking with commissioner joseph, some discussions with her, she gave me some tips on some real keen industry people. she introduced me to some people, wrote and these are people who have been in the industry for several years and are very knowledgeable. and we had an expert bring this proposal to you as you see