steve ratnor was asked to fix the auto industry.fe on wall street in senior positions at morgan stanley and lazard freher. he then set up his own private equity company. before that, he had spent years as a reporter for "the new york time times". so with three different backgrounds, journalism, business, government, what are steve ratnor's views on the economy, obama, and of course, the car companies? let's listen. what do you think of president obama as a ceo? you spent a lot of time in the private sector. was he a good ceo? >> i thought he was a terrific ceo. it was interesting, people said what does he know about being a ceo? he's never managed anything besides a senate staff. of course, he did run a campaign pretty well. but the fact was that he was a natural, and i thought he was a natural. and i have been around a lot of ceos over the years, but he didn't dwell on things. he was willing to make decisions but he did not awe rush through and say i've got ten minutes to make this decision. i'm going to make it. one famous day he