or call 1-888-pcas-123. [ ♪ ] [loon calling] >> john lovelace: today's flight will take us from whitehorse the way into the north west territories. our destination is gordon lake, and that's 80 kilometres north of yellowknife and 30 kilometres south of the tree line. come aboard and join us on today's adventure on wings come aboard and join us on today's adventure on wings over canada. [ ♪ ] [ ♪ ] from whitehorse to yellowknife. we'll flying along the 61st parallel over three major mountain changes - the pelee mountains, the logan mountains, and the selwyn mountains. this wild remote area of canada was virtually unmapped until after world war ii. today it's still virtually uninhabited except for the odd trapper and outfitter. they share the land with numerous large animals including dall sheep and moose and caribou, and black and grizzly bear. they also share the land with fish, because the selwyn mountains are the headwaters of a number of rivers, including the stewart and the mcmillan, and these rivers contain sport fish that have never seen a lure, including speckle and rainbow trout, a