>> first, you would say there is the fran lebowitz, there's only one fran lebowitz. >> i would say that. >> rose: she came out of new jersey, fell if love with new york, fell in love with talking. >> i love work. you know, i would say that i'm a writer, by which i mean, i have written some books. i believe i will write more books. >> rose: why do you believe that? there are those that say you're scared of writing. >> that is true. >> rose: because you can imagine what good is and you're not sure that you can be that good. >> no, good i'm not worried about. >> ok, great then. >> yes. i'm afraid of writing. that is without question, true. and i am afraid of writing to the extent where i believe i have taken all human fears and placed them on this one thing, you know? it's the way that most people have many fears, they spread them out over, you know, a number of fearful things. i have taken all human fear, put it on this one thing, the same way that, like, a junky for instance has many problems and once you become a junky, you have one problem; you're a junky. i decided i can't stand all o