otr prm h o sy wae e stme. ssage numr onwosa ti hard. aut, wo dwon'now wo myacyre ion dlars tbuild a reoi atbu we t asaight t tod we're pof dsalinization and we're now going to pend othehundred million dolrs in moving. the deltis getting saltier and we think that will be a end that's movingan particularly wh some of the run off patterns so we'll invest in that. our 50 year water suly prog we will be 7 hundred thousand people whether we want to or not we were 3 hundred thoand. onof the fastest growing areas innorth california. we're serving less water than we were whei got there. at's corner stone of our owth. anybody that does not know what that means what that means with respect to drought oran emergency you may have inot playing with afair deck. when you arden the demand you must have flexibility. our reservoir is not one for supply. people are taking shots at that. it was built as a water quality salt ervoir and a fish asset and some people said it's appose tear child forleague. i have two questions from or for director snow. you ment