the reasons are well known in phyllis borzi and you both have mentioned some of them.n't provide lifetime benefits and retirees can outlive their assets. employees, rather than professionals, manage their own assets. they tend to be pretty badly. they take too much risk or too little risk, they fail to diversity, they put their investments in the employer stock, even after enron, and as you say, fees can decimate investment returns. loans and hardships withdrawals that you mention leak away assets. then, you know, the fundament fall issue that employers generally contribute only through a match for employees contributions. and lower income employees, as you've heard, tend not to participate. so they don't get anything from their employer as a result. the tax incentives are completely upside down for their program. they are skewed to higher income, higher tax bracket employees who need savings help the least. as a result, 80% of the tax benefits for participating go to the top 20% of earners. just increasing the kind of income inequalities that you and senator sanders h