. -- tandora oven. wafflemania has chosen not to continue operations in that location any longer. if you approve the selection of this vendor, we will mature shi'a a competitive percentage and come back to you with that proposal. upon issuance of this, i do not want to be too redundant. we will be doing this in all of our other food cart notifications. we will be publishing it on the department website. all parties that have expressed interest in the program. and responding to verbal and written queries. the verbal media has published multiple articles about the food vendors in our state park. we informed the following individuals and organizations about the intent for placement in golden gate park. that is supervisor eric mar, the haight-ashbury improvement council, the merchants association, and cathy howard. this has received support from department staff. the convention and visitors bureau. >> is that seven days a week that they operate? >> that is correct. >> commissioner harris. >> i am on the page for the art reached. -- outreach. i see under opposition, none. in this city,