[applause] i would like to thank larry taunton and the six points foundation for their outstanding hospitality. [laughter] and to chris hitchens, my pleasure being allowed to bask in the radiance of his reputation. the propositions is atheism poisens everything. ladies and gentlemen, i'm perfectly aware, and you should be too that that proposition is fully compatible with the proposition that religion poisens something. where chris hitchens and richard will announce they are prepared to invade hell in order to joust a variety of priests, i would wish them well, although, for reasons of personal in convenience, i could not join them. [laughter] the proposition that atheism poisens everything hardly requires a defense. the inquiry is not needed, he said. the last date in which atheism was a possibility in social thought was also the last date in which was a plausibility in social thought. cast your mind back to 1790 in front of the cay -- cathedral. there's narrow green eyed rabid as a bat, and a loud boisterous man watching, and they say what should we do with this pile of gottic junk? the answ