theyille, the rd is obstructionists in the water to boil, or principal -- the word is "obstructionist" if you are liberal, or principal that you are conservative. -- principled if you are conservative. >> what do democrats do to adjust? >> no regrets. we have worked very hard in our campaign to convey that to the american people. >> house speaker nancy pelosi to diane sawyer bridge a blue dog democrat -- net house speaker nancy pelosi to diane sawyer. a blue dog democrat -- "nancy pelosi should step down." >> eric sevareid -- the men run for high office to be something, the women run for office to do something. nancy pelosi has been a more effective the speaker than anybody in my lifetime. forget newt gingrich, nothing compared to her. this is a woman who rivals tip o'neill, sam rayburn, the great speakers of the house. she became the poster child to run against in 2010, and republicans ran very effectively against her. it merits a study of why she became such a lightning rod. >> does she retire? >> i hope personally that she does retire, because her legacy as speaker will stand the t