jerry barish of crete a tall figure of a musician playing a horn. this is a 15 foot sculpture cast in bronze in titled "bayview horn." -- entitled "bayview horn." jessica bowdners -- i think we will adjust it. it is a memorial tribute. her life-size historic interpretation of the canoes used by the indians is made of steel and will be located in the first part to be constructed at the shipyard. marian coleman's "visions of the past" is a depiction of historic teams including the women who used to work at the shipyard. those will be displayed on a 30 foot panel -- 30 foot panels. matthew geller is proposing a functional circular bench which allows space for interaction and conversation while enjoying the beautiful views. his piece is called "nautical swing." the next artist, heidi harden, and her team will work with kids from schools in bayview to explore water as it relates to the ecosystem and the hunters point shipyard in particular. mildred howard and walter hutlz are collaborating on a piece called "frame/reframe," to frame the surrounded duty a