. -- kercher mirkarimi stated, that the budget is tight. however, having a buildup of local nobles and efficiencies is one the best hedges against market risk, against the battling pg&e on market price. a couple years ago, some of us advocates pointed out, we need to do a few hundred thousands of work -- a few hundred thousand dollars of work, but we need to do some preparatory work first. i would strongly urge lafco to put that on the next agenda. we need to start that works so that we can get ahead of the game with pg&e, and not be in the situation that we were a couple meetings ago. supervisor mirkarimi: thank you. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. i do not believe we have any action items before us. commissioner campos? supervisor campos: i am wondering with respect to item 2, if we could excuse commissioner avalos who had to be at an event in his district. i just wanted to make sure that we could make that happen. supervisor campos: not a problem. motion from supervisor campos, seconded by supervisor schm