city records indicaae ttat sheila dixon did not obs tan abn when she voted three times, but the city wrongdoing. even thhugh the law does not %-involves the interest of a relative. >>>i have ddsclosed my ssster -eing n employye, part-time employee with u tech. - abssained at the board of estimmte when you tech comms beforeethe board. >> now years later, a new mayor changes to thh city ethics board. >> you want to make certain hat the public knows that the tax -ollars aae being spent efficientlyyand effectively. >> reporter: he law hopes to the law now aalows the councilmember and crotch patrolle!!!comptroller tonomina. ettics bill was signed into law. >> people who are reviewing, public officials ethical behavior re complettly independent and without influence. i think the mayor took a huge step when she gave control of the board. >> reporter: but criiics say -t oosn't go far enough, since appointees. >> if you have three people basically they're handmade enss3 of the people in power. >> reporter: review hows 20 different inquire lez inquiriesg queetions of solicitation, free food an