inroads into that area, particularly with the materials from, that are being developed within the attc. certainly the planning partners for recovery month, right daphne? yes indeed, that's been such a valuable group to move the conversation forward throughout the year, not just in september during recovery month, but throughout the year, to keep this issue elevated. so the question is, is what type of system is somebody coming into? i think it's a system that needs to be all encompassing, that can provide services wherever, whichever doorway the person chooses. and i'm, i'm just really grateful to the, the initiatives that samhsa and, and the federal government have supported around the access to recovery program, the recovery community support programs, that foster this peer-to-peer interaction where they're non-traditional approaches, but that, creating that peer-to-peer interaction, i think is just so critical. now it's not a slight on the academics or the, the clinical or the treatment professional, but there's that empathy factor between one person that has experienced this helpin