the,awaa, research and someone fromdwr, great resources for looking at the likely effects of climate change and i won't spend more time suck rising them. i'm going to focus just on water supply issues in order to simplify the conversation. our recommendations are divided in vulnerability analysis, and dividing the analysis, second is strategy and i want to mention the other two, prevention, how water agency s can be part of a broad strategy to reduce greenhouse gases and third is how we think manager's have a roll to play especially in the american west. there are three response strategies i'd like to talk about. scenarios and strategies is our topic on this panel. the first strategy we think is key, is looking - not just about the impacts of our climate change on our existing cl climate change but looking how it effects the tools into the future. looking forward and how it will effect the tools available to us in the future. the next strategy is integrated water ma'am meant and third one, is inbe greating energy in water issues. let's start just for a moment and talk about what we k