clearblue digital. ( wind blowing ) a wintermint flavor that warms... and cools as you chew. 5 gum.lsky, our resident technology expert and editor-in-chief of engadget, one of the most popular blogs on the interwebs. thanks so much for being here, my friend. [ cheers and applause ] >> well, thanks so much for having me. >> jimmy: you were with us from the beginning. you have a bunch of gadgets and stuff for holiday gift ideas, we have short on time so, let's just run through these. >> we'll burn through it. so, you've got a gadget person in your life. you need to buy them something, some suggestions. nook color. this is the new barnes & noble ereader. >> jimmy: oh, is it really? >> yeah, yeah. it's got a full-color screen, let me flip it on here real quick. hold on. any second now. nope. it's broken. >> jimmy: no, that's right. >> come on. there you go. so, it's got -- it's kind of a tablet, really, and it's actually powered by android, which is google's os, has all kinds of tablet stuff. next year, they're going to have an app store for it. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> you can play "an