i'm in awe over eliott. is a guy that -- he i could go on and on about some of these contestants. >> do you miss doing the show? >> it's not that i miss doing the show. i feel like -- i feel very blessed to have been part of something that was history making. >> was it scary to leave that? i mean, did you feel i may not work again at this level? did you fear that kind of thing? >> you know, this industry can make you believe that you may not ever work again. >> it does that very well to a lot of people. >> a lot of people. but, luckily for me, i've always been the underdog and i've had a constant believing in myself when others haven't. >> and that's the key, you think? >> well, that's been the key to my success. >> if people make fun of you, does it hurt? >> the only thing that can hurt is if i allow it to hurt me. it's up to me. i can't be concerned to always chase what the press is going to say about me. i can only be me. i say quirky things. i'm a quirky girl. a lot of that allows for me to be misunderst