and we know that the "new york times" with ethan branna, who is the jerusalem reporter, is somebody who i met in israel. he actually came, you know, they sponsor trips to israel twice a year. he actually joined us on one of our trips for an afternoon. and he went to one of the outposts in samarra that we were visiting. and i was giving him my spiel and he was listening and all the rest to it. he came back and did a huge report on israel. he used a picture of our group that was at the head of the page, a gigantic page-wide picture of us. but he never spoke about the things that we had seen and the things that we were learning. he used it simply to talk about the fact that it could be illegal for americans to make contributions to communities over the green line in judea and samarra, none of which is true, of course. you also have something like "time" magazine. some of you recently may have seen the front page cover story by carl vick with a big jewish star on the cover. and inside the jewish star it says why israel doesn't care about peace. well, lots of people never get past the cover