mr.,huf fman, serves on the water parks and wild life committee and in that roll will present any water challenges confronting the state this year in that very capacity. prior to this election in the california capacity he served as senior attorney as the national environmental defense county and was a member of the,m oren municipal water protection district for years. he was instrumental in negotiating the, san jaquin, refr river. we think this will be one of biggest restorations in our nation. please welcome me in welcoming. ja rad. >> welcome susan and welcome to all of you. the first or worst fear of any water manager is running out of water. i lerned that in my four years at,m oren, county the water district serves about 230 thousand people in that county and it's an agency that almost ran out of water in the 1977 drought and despite major investments in imported water supplies and water recycling the fact is they have been operating in a water supply deficit. thankfully for that period we've almost always had above average rain fall. if that occurred today, those residents despite