mike vicara is at the white house for us mike? >> reporter: almost 15 million americans are looking for work. but the economy is slowly recovering. as the president prepares to address the nation on tuesday night, he is putting a renewed focus on jobs and growth. in a pre state of the union message to supporters, the president left no doubt about the theme of tuesday's address. >> my principle focus, my number one focus is going to be making sure that we are competitive and that we are going and creating jobs not just now but well into the future. >> that focus is evident in nearly every recent public appearance by the president with new emphasis on competing on markets abroad and give ing jolt to a slow economy. >> the next two years, our job now is putting our economy into over drive. >> after attacking business for much of the last year, mr. obama is trying to mend fences. his new chief of staff is a former commerce secretary with close ties to wall street. i named jeff immelt to the staff. the president has issued a new direct