it looks like republica senate, and then they have the run of the kind as if you abolish the rule. -- run of the congress if you abolish the rule. democrats are being e eremely shortsighted. >> it really is completely undemocratic as it works now. whoever is in charge of to be able to pursue their agenda unless people are willing to stand up and fight against it. i am not proposing to abolish the filibuster. i'm proposing to make it a tool it once was, rare. >> charles' rosy scenario -- lord knows he has a rosy scenario for 2012 -- a republican in the house and president palin to sign it into office. it is nirvana, it really is. >> that is what i said, end of days. >> bill daley as chief of staff. >> this is a guy who understands the issues, understands the players, knows the players, and knows how to make it work. >> that is the president and ceo of the u.s. chamber of commerce. an interesting, because he is praising the president's decision to make bill daley the next chief of staff. unless i'm mistaken, the chamber spent millions of dollars in the last election opposing the obama a