the only person in the store at the time, candace koehn, started first aid.then, from across the street, roy and al lodermeier, of roy and al's auto service, rushed over. >> he was in trouble. >> he was in trouble. >> reporter: they began taking turns performing cpr. switching at the point of pure exhaustion without missing a beat. as news spread, their number grew. a pair of ibm employees, handing it off to a plumber, who handed it off to a carpenter, who handed it off to a county employee. in total, two dozen pairs of hands. >> we just lined up, when one guy had enough, next guy jumped in. >> reporter: amazingly, none of these people had any idea who howard was. the paramedics arrived to an astonishing scene. >> it was unbelievable. there were probably 20 in line, waiting for their turn to do cpr. >> reporter: this lasted for 96 minutes until howard's pulse started. and then they transported him to the hospital. >> we got four souls on board. >> reporter: ten days later, he walked out of the mayo clinic, miraculously healthy and incredibly grateful. >> i ha