if the wind blows very strongly that was the case twenty five years ago in fact during the trouble folau because it all depended on where the wind was blowing the direction of the wind. people in kiev were lucky to escape serious radioactive damage because when they fall out when the explosion at the power plant happened the wind was blowing north north in the north western direction and this affected some areas mostly unpopulated. but of course some parts of the radioactive emission reached up and in several days the high radioactive levels were detected in sweden this obviously led the whole world to believe that something was wrong in the soviet union which of course kept the chernobyl fallout a secret so in this situation we're seeing right now we've been receiving very very different reports from the japanese government and i we this is on the side of the . first the government has been saying that the situation has been kept under control that this team pressure inside the reactor was seriously we have this reports of explosion and white smoke coming out of the reactor indeed you c