we're still here with barry, monifa and miking. we're talking about the incarceration crisis and moving from analysis now to solutions. tell me what can we do now, people will say don't commit the crime, people will say be responsible, don't do drugs, don't steal. all of us i think are in agreement on that. moving beyond that point, what do we do in terms of this mass incarceration thing? >> well, what's the solution? the solution is a multistep approach. first, education. and not just education, but paid education. even if it's minimum wage to pay these folks to learn reading, writing and arithmetic. for the black folks not just reading and writing and arithmetic but history courses, cultural courses to find out about african-american history and ancient african history and paid job training and then job placement. i think once you educate a person and give a person a job, 90% of the crime will stop. >> we also have to support sound policy around prison and incarceration. we have to look at the sentencing laws in every state, the