against -- to accept or reject stipulated agreement on charges filed against patrol special officer roberto ortega. president mazzucco: i will turn this over to the commissioner this has been handed to, and that would be commissioner hammer. commissioner hammer: i was assigned this weeks ago and immediately had a telephone call. talking about the merits on this and whether or not they could have a resolution. because i had to act as a neutral intermediary, i did not have much comment on the substance of the allegations, but because it was a public matter, we deliberate in public, so this is everybody's time to chime in. i am concerned by the allegations in this case, and by that, i mean by what is alleged actually being an offense, et -- an offense, so i just want to zero in on two parts. whoever else is watching. regarding officer ortega, in an area, >> , known as an area of prostitution -- in an area, quote, known as an area of prostitution, stopped his car. no money changed hands. the conversation was not recorded. she gets in the car. they drive on. the key phrase there at the end of specifica