. >> president olague and buel, in june the aforementioned proposition k was passed by the voters almost contemporaneous with that passage and you are in receipt of it, george agnos, city attorney at the time in august of 1984 i think explained in response to questions that came from then supervisor maher that indeed the interpretation that the supervisor is giving you that it was not subject to negotiation is indeed the law. the planning commission and its department hired the university of california at berkeley. in 1987 the university of california produced a draft report to determine what would be a significant and adverse shadow impact on city parks and establish objective criteria for said parks. in so doing, in 1989 both of your commissioners but most importantly for the planning commission, adopted that in your 1989 memo which is what is the subject of item number one on your calendar this afternoon. that memorandum, which you adopted, actually set objective criteria for what was adverse and significant. there is flexibility. there is a mechanism where both of your commissions ca