it's an op-ed that was written by gary becker, george p. shultz, former secretaries of -- he was secretary of three things, including treasury; and john taylor, who is a stanford economics professor. they wrote this op-ed in the "wall street journal." i'll just quote two short paragraphs. they start out by saying "wanted: a strategy for economic growth, full employment and deficit reduction all without inflation." they say "experience shows how to get there. credible actions that reduce the rapid growth of federal spending and debt will raise economic growth and lower the unemployment rate, higher private investment, not more government purchases, is the surest way to increase prosperity. when private investment is high, unemployment is low. above all, they say, the federal government needs a credible and transparent budget strategy. it's time for a game changeer, a budget action that will stop the recent discretionary spending binge before it gets entrenched in government agencies." and they conclude by saying "we need to lay out a path for total