. >> good evening,ern, i'm martin gram, employee relations director for the city and county of san francisco. the issue of overtime/comp time is that under the federal labor standards act, employees who are not exempt because they're higher up in the organization, we have to cash them out. so if they've worked for -- if we allow them, or suffer them to work overtime, then they have a right to the cash if they want it or they can agree to earn comp time but even at the end of the career, when they separate, whether they retire or leave the city for other reasons, we have to cash them out. the higher earners are most often exempt from that law. and they are subject to use it or lose it. i think we're in compliance as best we can with the state of the law. >> do you want to talk about the other one? >> on the use it or lose it question about grants, this is kind of a classic budgeting issue. i'd be interested to know which grants in particular you're interested in and maybe you can catch me offline afterwards but we do in most cases where it's grant funds, we'll try to allow departments to capt