the old border divided the lake almost into directly opposite the famous musquito calio cliffs. the lake was formed by one hundred twenty eight metre deep take tonic fisher and the earth millions of years ago. my avi is a word from the language that was spoken by laplanders who lived here many years ago the word means road. for a long time the lake serves as a link between the west and the east there was a time when convoys of trucks let's take goods from sweden and finland to korea and russia over the lake smooth ice. in this is where smugglers used to store contraband and they would make arrangements for smuggling them across the border and there was two way traffic in those days people bought it things money played almost no role here most of the trade was done by exchange and gets you. one of the outposts of the national park is on the lake shore near the expedition will make its last stop of a for a final thrust towards the arctic circle drivers rarely leave their dogs on attended during the stopovers huskies demonstrates a much higher degree of an jurors than people who. t