walter shorensteen tried to undo it. he made a straight shot against it. this includes a city attorney's opinion who said, yes, it means what it says in prop k. you do not have the power to throw it out because you like a project. that's not the issue. the issue is f. -- if there is a 40-foot height limit and that is it, you can't do a 45-foot project. this area had a 40-foot height limit until the eastern neighborhood rezoning. the area was rezoned to 85 feet but it did not allow an 80-foot building to violate prop k. where is your environmental review for the change? where is your analysis, where are your hearings for substantial modification to the allocation that was done are pursuant to the voters' instructions in section 295? thank you. >> president olague and buel, in june the aforementioned proposition k was passed by the voters almost contemporaneous with that passage and you are in receipt of it, george agnos, city attorney at the time in august of 1984 i think explained in response to questions that came from then supervisor maher that indeed th